Is There Chromium-6 In Your the Central Valley Water? (Interactive Map)

Find out if your local water is contaminated with chromium-6 using this interactive map created by the Environmental Working Group:

Click on the map to open the interactive version in a new window

Worried about chromium-6 in your water?

As you can see from this map, chromium-6 is a problem for a lot of people in the the Central Valley area.

But there’s good news:

With our reverse osmosis system, you can filter your water and remove this unwanted contaminant from your family’s drinking water!

Just click here to learn more about our for RO Drinking Water Systems, or fill out this form to contact us if you’d like to have your water tested for chromium-6 and dozens of other contaminants.

(Note: the free water test does not include a test for chromium-6, but you can pay a small fee to upgrade your test for chromium-6 and many other contaminants. Make sure to let us know which water test you want.)

Contact Us To Schedule Your FREE Water Test:

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